Create & Sell Your Own Digital Products & Digital Courses or Just Re-Sell My Bundles as Your Own Products!

Re-selling my ready-made digital products under PLR/MRR is the easiest way to get started. You don't need to create your own products (you can if you wish!). You can just buy my bundles and then re-sell them! Easy peesy!!

Hi! I'm Chel!


I help you create passive income by turning your passion & current knowledge into a wildly profitable digital product using social media

Tap into Your Potential & Free Get a Second Income

Digital Products, Social Media, Digital Courses & Passive Income Coach

Let's turn your passions into a wildly profitable digital product using social media & monetize it so you can FREE yourself

My very best selling Digital Marketing Starter Templates & Guides is the easiet way to start selling digital products online. Just buy the bundle and re-sell it as your own product!

Uplift Your Life:

What if you could make FULL-TIME income from the comfort of your home or while traveling, work LESS hours, help MANY people all at once while making passive income?

✔️ make full-time income with your own digital products & courses from the comfort of your home

✔️ work from anywhere in the world from your phone making passive income

✔️ have more freedom and time to spend with your friends and family

✔️ work less than 3 hours a day

✔️ change many people's lives all over the world with less work and effort

Exploring Your Best Self: Imagine if you could...

...and now I want to teach you how you can create an automated digital product business from scratch, even if:

don't have a niche or a topic for your digital products or courses (yet!)

don't have tech skills

don't have an audience (yet!)

don't have business experience

don't have any education/certification

I went from a burned out 9-5er making $5,800/month to..

I went from a burned out 9-5er making $5,800/month to..

→ quitting my 9-5 as a corporate counsel (with no prior business- or marketing experience)

→ replacing my 9-5 annual salary working from home less than 2 hours a day (without seeing 1:1 coaching clients)

→ going on 5-star trips and traveling the world with my boyfriend

→ paying off my debt

→ building a 7-figure business

You might be thinking..

→ Why anyone would even listen to me or my advice?

→ I don't think I'm an expert in anything and don't even know what I would create digital products and courses about?

→ Who would even buy my digital products or courses, I don't have an audience and I don't know much about social media?

→ How would I even set it up, I am not tech savvy?

→ Where do I even start, and what do I have to post to attract the right people?

→ How will I turn my digital products and courses into passive income?

If that's YOU, you're totally in the right place!

This Is Where My Range of Digital Products Comes In!

You can learn:

1. how to nail your niche and discover profitable digital product & -course topics based on your current life experience, knowledge, (that we ALL HAVE!), hobbies & passions

2. how to grow your audience full of future students & clients including social media strategies and email marketing (even if you're starting from ZERO!)

3. how to create your (faceless) digital products and digital courses using premade templates and launch them

4. how to create high-converting sales funnels using premade templates & step-by-step tech tutorials, even if you're not tech savvy (inc. sales page funnel templates for a paid and free to start platforms)

5. how to write your launch emails and schedule them (inc. email scripts)

6. how to turn your digital products and digital courses into passive revenue funnels with a pre-recorded webinar set up for sales on autopilot with premade presentation template, website templates, email scripts and social media strategy (you don't even have to show your face)

If you are here you probably...

✔️ Know that there is more to life than trading time for money at your 9-5

✔️ Are exhausted overworking yourself for every single dollar and you want to make extra income as passively as possible but you don't have any prior experience with digital products or social media experience

✔️ Are exhausted of doing 1:1 coaching, or you've tried all the side hustles under the sun and you're ready to build your own wildly profitable digital product business, but don't know where to start

✔️ Are currently at your 9-5 and want to start an online business, work less from anywhere in the world from your phone & replace your 9-5 income but you have no idea how

✔️ Are exhausted working so many hours a day and want to make sales on autopilot and automate your business and the sales process selling digital products and digital courses

✔️ Long for financial freedom & envision a life for yourself that does NOT include working 40+ hrs/week

✔️ Want to make full-time income online, but you don't feel like an "expert" in anything

✔️ Have tried affiliate marketing, selling products, master resell rights and a few 1:1 clients, but you haven't gotten anywhere close to full time income

✔️ Know you are meant for big things and dream of owning your own wildly profitable online business

Here's the truth:

You can literally automate your entire online business and content creation for making sales as passively as possible with my step-by-step framework

Literally *ANYONE* can create a wildly profitable digital product or a course

For example:

✔️ Fitness Coaches
✔️ Health Coaches
✔️ 9-5ers
✔️ Affiliate-/Master resell rights marketers
✔️ MLM marketers
✔️ SAHMs
✔️ Bakers/Chefs
✔️ Beauty/Travel/Fashion/Travel bloggers
✔️ Photographers
✔️ Lawyers/Doctors
✔️ Event/Wedding planners
✔️ Home organizers
✔️ Interior designers
✔️ Real estate agents
✔️ Teachers
✔️ Recipe creators
✔️ Accountants/Bookkeepers
✔️ Pilates/Yoga teachers
✔️ Etc etc

Become Part of the Success Stories from Our Clients!

Rebecca R. made $30,000 in sales so far..

"Thanks to Chel's bundles and digital products, I've made $30,000 so far in course sales! I made $8,000 in passive sales in 3 weeks so far after turning my course into a passive revenue funnel. The products have completely changed my business and given me the freedom I was looking for! Chel is so amazing, I cannot thank her enough for her continued support, as I said before as a student I just feel like she genuinely cares and wants me to succeed!"

- Rebecca

Nicole made almost $15,000 on her first launch with just 1,000 followers..

"I made almost $15,000 on my first launch with only 1,000 followers and 60 email subscribers. It took me 4 weeks in total since joining the bundle to get my digital course out there and sell it, before even creating it using Chel's presale strategies. I am super happy about the results!"

- Nicole

John D. made almost $10,000 since buying the bundles

"I made almost $10,000 already and made my investment back multiplied! It's not just for Boss Babes! the templates took my social media to a whole new level...thanks!

- John

Create & Sell Your Own Digital Products & Digital Courses or Just Re-Sell My Bundles as Your Own Products!

Re-selling my ready-made digital products under PLR/MRR rights is the easiest way to get started. You don't need to create your own products (you can if you wish!). You can just buy my bundles and then re-sell them! Easy peesy!!


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